Hold on

Here’s the thing about bad times. They’ll eventually pass. Yes you’ll be disappointed, yes you’ll be hurt, yes you’ll have your heart broken , but you will make it out every single time. Let yourself feel everything because if you don’t , it will eat you up inside. Stop torturing yourself over things you can’t control. Don’t forget to breath. We take things for granted because we are so focused on the bad things happening, failing to see the blessings around us. Okay so you can’t be with the person you love, at least you are alive. At least you can still love again. Who says the next person won’t love you better? Sometimes people leaving us, leads us directly to where we are meant to be. So your job is stressing you out… look for a new one. Change the cycle you keep allowing yourself to be. Only when we step out of our comfort zone can our patterns change. Life isn’t always great, but who told you that made it less special? So you don’t think you are “as beautiful” as the next person, who set a standard to what beautiful is? We focus so much on success and we don’t see that our struggles are what makes us who we are. You are human. It’s okay to breakdown but don’t get stuck there. The negativity will eat you alive . Cry it out, release it and get back on track. You only have one life, make the most of it. ❤️

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